Thursday, December 4, 2014

Incentive to Start WGU in 2015

education photo: education clip_image_degree_1.jpg
With the new year right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning your education for the coming year. Instead of making a resolution that doesn't stick, why not make one you can start working on right now? 2015 is a particularly good year to enroll in WGU Indiana simply because they just released $400,000 in scholarships, many of them for new students only.

So, why start working on your goal now?

  • If you haven't already filled out a FAFSA for the 2014-2015 school year, you need to do it now so it can be processed.
  • Paperwork that is processed by the 15th of the preceding month leads to enrollment in the following month. So, If you start processing your enrollment in December and you get it done by the 15th, you can start in January. In some cases, you may need more time to get everything together, so starting December could mean you can start classes in February.
  • Everyone needs some light at the end of the tunnel. A degree in your chosen field can be that light and there is no better time to start than at the beginning of the new year.

Let's just add a little more incentive to the pot. Let's talk numbers.

WGU Indiana charges from $2,890 to $4,250 per term, with only one degree being charge the higher amount. That tuition hasn't changed since 2008! Now, what's a "term"?

WGU Indiana is a knowledge based program, so you can test out of areas you are familiar with and move on at your own pace. The "term" last 6 months and in that 6 months you can complete as many classes as you would like...without paying a penny more. Complete 4 classes or complete 20 classes, it's all the same, financially speaking.

Now, why do I care?

I run this blog because I love my school and it saddens me to see people pay so much to get the exact same degrees I have, when they don't have to. I don't get paid by WGU or anyone else to do it. But, I am a member of the Chancellor's Club and that means from time to time I do get some great deals to hand out.

Today I happen to have 3 grants to hand out. These are on top of any other grants and/or scholarships that you may qualify for and qualifying for these particular grants couldn't be easier. Essentially, if you are enrolled in a degree program by Feb. 1, 2015, you qualify because your enrollment indicates that you've met all the other qualifications.

Each grant is worth $200. Combine them with your PELL grants, scholarships, or loans to help you get through your first session at WGU Indiana.

I'll even go one step further. If you enroll and use the grant, I'll be your on-call study buddy. I finish up my degree very shortly, but I won't ever forget how certain people helped me, even if it was just by listening to me vent because I'm a single mother and business owner who got overwhelmed by life now and then. If you are interested in the grant, leave a comment here or contact me at kfoust1 at wgu dot edu.

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